Prot. Nr. 12638
PDO Olives - Terra di Bari
Protected Designation of Origin
Customer's Feedback:
".... Un olio extra vergine d'oliva che esalta veramente ogni cibo ma se provate ad assaggiarlo su una fetta di semplice pane casereccio, sentirete il gusto, il profumo, veramente squisito! ...!
Nic & Vinc 30/04/2010
" ... The extra virgin olive oil from the Paduanelli estate in Puglia is in my opinion the finest of the many I have tried from that country. A fine extra virgin ......"
Ronald 15/01/2010
"Abbiamo potuto constatare personalmente l'attenzione e l'amore con cui la famiglia Paduanelli cura le proprie coltivazioni di olivo. Il risultato è un eccellente olio extravergine, ..."
Jacopo 10/01/2010
" ... their olive oil is so pure and yummy and taste so good raw just with bread or even on fresh salad! I absolutely love to cook and the oil does give a good flavour ... " Angeline 22/03/2009
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About Us
- It was the entrepreneurial instinct, and passion for traditional tastes to guide Papa' Angelo to undertake the cultivation of olives in 1977.
After various experiences on the cultivar in the area, he planted new olive trees of the "Coratina" variety.
As he is someone raised with genuine principles of good and healthy mediterranean cuisine, he has directed its interests in the production of extra virgin olive oil by traditional methods.
The children wanted to follow their father's footsteps, and with their theoretical and practical knowledge gained through thier Agricultural Studies. This enable them to adopt improved cultivation techniques, making the Extra Virgin Olive Oil PDO more and more biological controled, sacrificing volume production to achive better organoleptic qualities. |
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